Musings from the Mat
The Founding Fathers: Astrology & Numerology (Part 2)
The Founding Fathers: Astrology & Numerology (Part 1)
The Rainbow Body: Becoming Hue-Man & Sacred DNA
The Schumann Resonance & Earth's Heavenly Vibrations
Anjali Mudra & the Spiritual Heart
Jesus as Shaman & Working with Spiritual Light
The Shadow Side
The Great Conjunction: Global Meditation for Healing
The Earth Keepers: Unfoldment & Engoldenment
Blossoming: Light Being
The Cosmic Light: Transforming from Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminescent
Life after Isolation: Manifesting
The Wounded Feminine: Heart Opening
The Only Way Out is Through: The Frequency of Love
The Awakening: Shi(f)t Happens
Perspective: The Trauma of a Pandemic
The Planetary Pause & Wounding of Mother Earth
So What Exactly is Shamanism Then?
The Natural Breath