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4 Elements

Take a transformative journey through the elemental realms and immerse yourself in the raw power and ancient wisdom of the 4 elements - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. ..

7 Directions

Embark on a soul-enriching voyage through the mystical realms of the 7 Directions with this transformative meditation experience...

7 Directions Medicine Wheel

Building on the 7 Directions, this guided meditation incorporates more elements, energies, cycles & symbols to remind us of this continuous circle of life...

Altar Room Journey

Journey deep into the heart of the earth's embrace to a spiritual Altar Room where you can work with your spirit allies, meditate/pray, practice gratitude, or work with the elements & Earth...

Black Smoke

Embark on a transformative journey of release and renewal with this Black Smoke Meditation, designed to dissolve stress and negativity from your mind, body, and spirit...

Celestial Castle

Embark on a celestial journey unlike any other with this immersive meditation to the Celestial Castle...

Chakra Color Wheel

A chakra is a spinning wheel of light.  Experience profound relaxation and alignment with this transformative Chakra Meditation...

Divine Government Transfiguration

This is a journey of collective transformation and spiritual evolution, focused on invoking and embodying divine governance...

Equinox & Celestial Balance

Here we explore the profound union of opposites illuminated by the celestial balance of day & night...

Garden of the Angels

Embark on a journey of celestial beauty and spiritual encounter with this enchanting meditation, where you'll meet an angel amidst lush blossoms and tranquil streams...

Healing Earth Transfiguration

This is a transformative trip of healing and renewal. Harnessing the power of transfiguration, this meditation invites you to become a vessel of divine light, radiating healing energy to the Earth and all its inhabitants...

Meeting Your Allies Journey

This is a soul-stirring journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection. Guided by ancient wisdom and intuition, this journey invites you to meet your spirit guide and power animal...

Merging with the Elements using Grokking

Using the Hawaiian shamanic practice of "grokking" or shape-shifting, you will merge your Consciousness with the primal energy patterns of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water...

Merkaba & Sacred Geometry

Guided by the ancient wisdom of sacred geometry and cosmic alignment with the Merkaba, this is a powerful and transcendental tool for ascension, healing & manifestation...

Past Life Retrieval Journey

This is an extraordinary journey for self-discovery and soul retrieval, where you'll delve deep into the recesses of your subconscious to unlock the secrets of your ancient past...

Shaman's Tea Yoga Nidra

This transcendental voyage of healing and self-discovery merges the ancient practices of Yoga Nidra and shamanic journeying... a class favorite!

Soul Retrieval Journey

This deeply healing experience offers the opportunity to reclaim lost fragments of your soul, restoring wholeness and vitality to your being...

Temple of Black Obsidian Journey

Embark on a mystical pilgrimage to the sacred Temple of Black Obsidian, where ancient wisdom and profound transformation await...

The Power of the Pyramid

These architectural wonders are said to align with the magnetic field of Earth, allowing for a powerful flow of energy...

Thought Clouds & F*ck That

Based on Jason Headley's Fuck That meditation, this journey calms and tames the part of your mind that won't shut up! With a minimum of profanity, it is surprisingly effective at quieting the "monkey mind."

Union of Opposites

This meditation invites you to delve into the intricate dance of opposites, where light meets dark, masculine merges with feminine, yin embraces yang, and strength surrenders to softness...

Veins of Life

Guided by the intricate patterns found in the veins of a leaf, the flowing rivers of our own veins, the Earth's ley lines...

Web of Light Transfiguration (10 min)

Experience the extraordinary power of transfiguration in this 10 min meditation...

Web of Light Transfiguration (20 min)

Experience the extraordinary power of transfiguration in this 20 min meditation...


Inner Spaces

by Karen llc

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