What was before “the beginning?” Where did it all begin?
The ALL (or Source) created the earthly realms and THEN said, "let there be light". Light was secondary to the void. White light can be broken into a spectrum of colors, each with a specific wavelength & frequency. Color has form. Vibration has color. Sound has vibration. For example, the "Om" in Hinduism represents the primordial vibration from which the universe arose. "In the Beginning was the Word"…the Creator's word, being sound, set vibrations in motion, creating light and everything derived from it.
The Rainbow Rays
At this time there was only 1 dimension, a place outside of time & space. For these had not yet been created. There was no birth, no death, just the infinite.
Author Sia-Lanu Estrella explains in The Rainbow Tablets that Source, the ALL, wanted to experience itself so one day, “the ALL” broke apart into 12 infinity sparks or Rainbow rays. Like the ALL, these beings were completely whole. They were neither male nor female and they had no physical form rather they were beings of pure white light with the rainbow frequency running through them. (More on this in June’s musing about the Rainbow Tribe.)
The 12 rays of fragmented Source are a combination of solar rays & universal rays. Each ray is a Holy Trinity, with a positive, negative and neutral aspect. These plasma rays bring forth energy and consciousness of creation, offering an opportunity to discover one’s soul mission.
After some time, they wished for a greater experience. The decision was made collectively to break apart into separation so multiple dimensions and time & space were formed. Each rainbow-being broke apart into many fragments and other cosmic races were brought into being. The fragments of each rainbow being incarnated in many ways throughout different star systems, timelines and life forms. Keep in mind that different vehicles or planes of light energy (vibration) are needed for different dimensions.
I have mentioned in several musings (12/22, 7/23, 11/23, 12/24) the work of Dolores Cannon and her explanation of the Central Sun burst. In my July 2023 musing, I shared:
Source was this huge bright light. It knew everything but was lonely. It wanted to create others. That’s when it burst out into millions & millions of particles, this is the Big Bang theory. You are a tiny little spark of Source light. Some of these sparks became planets, galaxies, elements of nature, animals, the “hidden folk” (faeries, elves, mermaids, pixies, sprites, leprechauns, etc.), extraterrestrials, and many became humans/humanoid. But we all came from Source. God/Goddess said, “Learn everything you can my children and bring everything back to me.” Source is like a super-computer, and we are the data. There is no good or bad, it’s all just information, experiences, and learning.
Earth became a paradise for the Gods & Goddesses. It was where they came to play & experiment. To forget, through the veil of amnesia, in order to experience the delight of remembering once more. Yet all beings still knew that they were the ALL, and Earth merely served as a playground.
Much time passed and again they all wished for a new depth of experience. Together the decision was made to enter into an experiment, a period known as the Reign of Darkness. It was to be a period in which each fragment would completely forget that they were the ALL, the I AM. Amnesia to your purity, that you are whole, that you are loved in the most divine form as the essence of divine love. Descending further away from spirit into matter.
Duality was created and the wholeness of divine love became split into two parts known as light & dark. It was agreed that the Reign of Darkness would end when enough beings across the multiverse had remembered that they were divine love. It would be the remembering of the rainbow frequency, the ALL essence within that would end this period and mark the beginning of the return to unification. This is ascension, the return to spirit & Source.
For how could it be that the return to wholeness
would come through one-half defeating the other.
The Matrix Game of Life
Scientists believe there are between 10-12 dimensions. Dimensions are measurable. For example, space consists of 3 dimensions – length, breadth & height – and time is considered the 4th dimension which brings physical motion into existence. Dimensions are the fundamental building blocks of reality.
I do think there are 12 dimensions as that is in alignment with so many other 12 numbers such as the 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 hours of night & day, 12 months of the year, 12 Apostles, 12 gates of the Temple of Jerusalem, 12 strands of DNA, 12 Sun Discs, etc.
According to legends, there are 12 Sun Discs hidden energetically in Earth’s power places (sacred sites & ley lines) that, when fully activated, awakens our 12-stranded DNA and open the door for all to live in a higher reality. Last June, I mentioned my visit to such a stargate called Amaru Muru in Peru. I had a very visceral experience standing in this stone portal that some claim holds the secrets of the solar disc. It is said that Peru & Bolivia are the Keeper of the 12th Gate (Lake Titicaca) and emits 12 frequencies that can only exist in the 5th dimension.
Each realm consists of layers of reality also referred to as dimensions or kingdoms. Some would say that there are 12 dimensions per realm and others would argue that it’s unlimited. After all, there are no limits to what can be created within infinity.
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of the atom to vibration. I must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
~ Max Planck, founder of quantum theory
Most people know how to use a computer. The computer is the hardware or the container (Construct). It has a master operating system like Microsoft Windows, macOS, or Linux (Realm). Within that are software programs & utilities that help you with your tasks (Word, Excel, Mail, Calendar, Notes, etc.) These are equivalent to Dimensions with each version or edition different, offering specific features.
From the further perspective of virtual reality gaming, X-box is the Construct or Container. The video game is the Realm. The Dimensional spaces are game versions 1, 2, 3, up to 12. Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are controlled by the game master whereas the Avatar (live person) would be played by a human. In this Construct, there are many pre-set cycles & event markers within the game. It’s like mini-versions that we playout, reset, etc. In reality, we’ve played the game many times in different versions, incarnating into the Wheel of Samsara (reincarnation/recycling). The avatar can end the illusion at any time by ending the game.
According to Darius Wright, outside of Earth’s construct/universe are very different. The ALL-I AM presence only exists in this Universe of Earth to experience duality, the extremes of what we are NOT – birth, death, decaying of body, pain, suffering, incarnation, etc. These things don’t exist at the Soul level.
Those who astrally travel say the Construct contains 12 Realms which then contain layers of Dimensional Spaces created by thought forms. There are multitudes of constructs/realities/multiverses; they are never-ending.
Descent to Physical Matter
Most people think of the 1st dimension as the closest one to daily life on Earth. However, the 12th dimension was actually the first to come into existence as its closest to Source creation. The 13th realm contains ALL the constructs (multiverses & the void). The path of ascension is the soul’s journey back to its divine Source. It’s a spiral journey of growth, self-discovery & spiritual awakening.
The 12 Dimensions of Consciousness or Soul’s Evolution
Remember, you already descended from 12D to 1D and are on the return trip back to Source (ascension process). Each of us carries a fragment of each realm within. Mindfulness & meditation allows you to connect to these different dimensions and bridge the gap between your physical & spiritual experiences.
This is related to the concept of Higher Selves and Oversouls which are aspects of Soul Self that remains in Spirit. We are just a fragment of the Oversoul, having physical experiences & lessons, in order to contribute to the knowledge base and evolution of your oversoul.
First Dimension/1D - Mineral Kingdom
A gateway that encompasses core elements such as minerals, water, genetic code, molecular structures, subatomic particles like protons, electrons, nuclei, and quarks, and reflecting the consciousness of Earth's physical prime atom. Here are the seeds from which all physical forms evolve. The 1st to the 3rd domains are considered the lower dimensions where physicality is expressed, and lessons are learned. They are challenging but offer the soul opportunities to grow through experience. It’s a sacred space for learning.
Second Dimension/2D - Plant & Animal Kingdom
The 2nd dimension is a realm of instinct and primal energy. Consciousness awareness on a biological level connects the plant & animal kingdoms as well as encompassing entities such as fairies, Devas, nature spirits, elementals, and demonic energies. It is the foundation of the physical world because it is deeply connected to the rhythms of nature.
Third Dimension/3D - Human Kingdom (YOU ARE HERE!)
The physical realm of form, matter & sensory experience is tied to human consciousness with a frequency limit of 9,000 vibrations per second. Time exists in this dimension, seen as past, present, and future lives, requiring raised vibrations for expanded awareness. Time, space & physical laws allow for a structured environment. Linear time allows the soul to explore free will and experience cause & effect. Here we also find the interplay between light & shadow. In this dimension, the soul is fully immersed in the illusion of separation. The soul carries memories & patterns from its experiences which can manifest as emotional wounds (trauma), limiting beliefs, or karmic imbalances. Healing these aspects & integrating soul lessons are critical to rising to higher states of Consciousness and back to unity with the divine.
Each realm has spirits of its own who we can correspond with. The Astral, or psychic (4D), dimension is only one level above the physical dimension (3D). Both dimensions correspond and interpenetrate each other. It is the dimension that psychics connect with, and it is closely tied to the astral plane where dreams, memories & subconscious patterns reside.
Fourth Dimension/4D – Astral Kingdom
The 4th dimension is the threshold between the spiritual and the physical. Here the astral realm, or spiritual realm, is the subconscious & dream world domain of 3D, a parallel world where spirits retain consciousness as feelings & thoughts and phenomena like magic, astral travel (time travel), karma, and reincarnation occur within a frequency between 9,000-12,000 vibrations per second. This realm is specifically for the evolutionary cycle we are going through right now, ascending from 3D to 5D, marking the first stage of Christ Consciousness and unity with God through ascension.
The tunnel of light during death connecting the 4D & 5D dimensions exists here as does hell & purgatory where forces of light & darkness influence vibrations. These non-physical negative life forms can be ghosts (benevolent & malevolent), disembodied entities, demons, fallen angels, negative aliens, soratic or Ahrimanic forces, and parasitic archons. They walk among us in their 4D forms, seeking power and depleting our energy. Some believe they feed off suffering, negative emotions & “drama”. This vampirism can feel like being trapped in a hellish landscape. However, a soul can end the illusion at any time.
You can never control/trap/enslave a soul unless a soul believes it can be. William Buhlman explains: “I am often asked about soul traps; the concept that people after death are deceived or trapped in a physical reincarnation loop and may even be fed upon for their emotional energy by nonphysical entities. All of the soul traps that I have witnessed are self-created by the individual, examples, physical body obsession and self-identity, attachment to your physical home, possessions or a person. Attachment to anything physical will act as a magnet attracting souls to the parallel dimension closest to the physical Earth."
“This physical attachment issue at death is a far more serious issue than most would like to believe. Most are taught from birth that their belief in a manmade religious concept will propel them to the highest mythical heaven. Instead, they are so attracted to their last physical life and dramas they have no interest in experiencing a ‘higher’ vibrational dimensional reality. Essentially, self-created reality prisons are the most insidious.”
The universe does not dictate Consciousness/your soul. Consciousness dictates the universe. When a person dies, the soul is on the other side (Source creation); they see it all and have the freedom to explore the mask of matter. These lessons are about assisting in unification. The 4th to the 7th realms are considered the middle dimensions and they bridge the physical and the ethereal. They are the playground to explore individuality.
Fifth Dimension/5D - Soul Kingdom or Heaven
The etheric realm, or heaven, is an Earthly dimension of spiritual truth where the oneness of God is experienced, pure love guides all actions, fear no longer exists, and beings possess a "light" body, what the indigenous call homoluminescent. It is not “the other side.” This dimension introduces emotional depth & duality. Here the soul encounters the challenges of choice & consequences. This realm is also where one must release their karma or get back on the Wheel of Samsara and another incarnation.
Sixth Dimension/6D - Exclusively of Light
This is a realm where collective consciousness merges the soul with spirit and awareness attains an all-knowing capacity, but beings may still adopt human-like forms. Thought, sound, and color take geometric & numerological forms as sacred geometry, languages, symbols, and light codes. It is where thoughts & intentions manifest into more structured forms. It’s the dimension of imagination, creativity and potential.
Seventh Dimension/7D – Angelic Realm
Home to Bodhisattvas, “wings & halos” angels, and galactic spirits in various forms who assist humanity, embodying true love and a selfless purpose, this is a realm of clear inner space and knowledge from pure consciousness. This is the realm of divine expression where the soul forms its unique identity (individuality) while retaining an awareness of unity Consciousness; it is very closely connected to the higher dimensions. The highest vibration being the Seraphim, the galactic angels, within the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL).
Eighth Dimension/8D -The Void
The 8th to the 12th dimensions are the most ethereal realms. It’s where form & energy merge. Known as the realm of the void, existing without sound, this realm is highly abstract but still contains the seeds of physicality. It is home to a vast unified consciousnesses capable of dividing awareness and holding the evolutionary blueprints for our souls.
Ninth Dimension/9D - Cosmic Realm
Here marks the transition of hierarchical structure from human-like form to formlessness, encompassing planetary, stellar, galactic, universal, and dimensional consciousness. It’s the last dimension where a light being can experience consciousness independently from the collective consciousness at will. The 9th & 10th dimensions are realms of pure thought & intention.
Tenth Dimension/10D - A Formless Universe
The tenth dimension, embodying cosmic or Christ consciousness, is the dimension of crystalline white light, creation's light, and living truth, providing the structure for universal spiritual law and where our spirit originates. It is where collective consciousness connects all beings through shared thoughts & energies.
Eleventh Dimension/11D – Twin Flames
Here the Twin Flames are 2 distinct beings, like Yin and Yang. They are co-creations between Mother Creator & Father Creator that manifest in exactly equal balance as spirits, forms, and universes. Here the universe is self-governing and evolving boundlessly, represented by the universal world tree or tree of life that oversees evolution. This is the first expression of duality as the bridge from unity to the beginnings of individuality in a non-physical form.
Certain pairs of Gods & Goddesses (Twin Flames) were encoded with the rainbow tablets. Each carried one-half of the tablets across stars to preserve integrity. The pair’s moved throughout different star systems and each pair incarnated into many lifetimes. In case the experiment lasted longer than any could have anticipated, precautions were taken so they don’t remember the rainbow wisdom before humanity was ready.
The prophecy shared that the rainbow warriors, the great feline-like Lyran lion & lioness (aka cat people!) would one day walk earth. Their presence will bring all of the star nations together once more.
Twelfth Dimension/12D - Oneness
The next gateway between our universe & the multiverse, home to beings that guide & regulate the contact between the universe & Earth, encompassing & surpassing all infinities as the divine blueprint & ultimate source. It’s where all existing realities merge and where Twin Flames are merged with God/Goddess as one. Everything here exists as a unified whole. Some call it the Elohim.
We are at the last dimension before Enlightenment.
~ Grandmother Jonette
The Hopi Prophecy says: “We are the ones they spoke of long ago. They say to be alive, to come into creation and live upon the earth at this time is a great honor. This is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honor to be alive and live and see this.”
In an out of body experience (OBE), Darius saw a future event that made him want to come back into human form. Because this version of Earth is never going to happen again, a soul may desire that final experience as it adds to your Soul exponentially.
This is the final version of the Earthly realm & construct. It’s the last chapter. This era will be stored in the Universal Records where it can be viewed and experienced as is; there are no NEW experiences created.
It’s like that X-box but there was only 1 version created. There are no later versions available, so you can only play the first one over & over again with the same outcome. Another example is the difference between reading a book about sky diving and actually experiencing sky diving. There is no going back from this journey.
“The total number of minds in the universe is one.
In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.”
~ Dr. Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel prize winning physicist
The 144,000 Volunteers
It is said a Peace Treaty call went out to all the lightworkers in the known universes to incarnate on Earth to guide this planet through the ascension process. This prophecy says 144,000 beings would volunteer to reincarnate here to bring us into the 5th dimension frequency (ascension). These beings are advanced star seeds from more advanced planets who came here to assist humanity during a time of great transformation.
The 144,000 lightworkers have also been predicted by the Emerald Tablets, Ashtar Command, Sananda, Native Americans, Revelations, and many others.
The Book of Revelations 7:4 talks about the 12 Tribes of Israel, the 12 families of Jewish people with 12,000 taken from each tribe totaling 144,000 (the 13th tribe being symbolic of the center of the wheel of 12).
144,000 “sealed” in the Bible to be protected by God so they can perform their mission during the tribulation. John calls the 144,000 “servants”. Others say these are the rainbow warriors. And this number is the amount of people necessary to achieve critical mass to affect the global level of consciousness. Also known as the domino, ripple, or butterfly effect.
"144,000 thousand shall ascend." The prophecy says 144,000 lightworkers will save Earth from the “Forces of Darkness” during the end times of the Kali Yuga. Most of them are already here, “waking up” to their Divine purpose & mission on Earth. Earth is at the tail end of the Kali Yuga. The biblical name is the End times, however, this is not the end of Earth (Apocalypse), but the end of the Reign of Darkness and evil on Earth.
The number 144,000 has significance in several religious movements for example in the Mayan calendar, a baktun is a period of 144,000 days.
Many people misunderstood the Mayan prophecy of the Long Count Calendar as a historical doomsday revelation. Unlike the sensational movies depicting the destruction of earth, the world didn’t end in 2012. She is evolving just like humans. Rather than an ending, it is a beginning, and the Mayans left the potential for that shift in consciousness. The Hopi prophecy of the Blue Star Kachina (more in next month's musing) points to an archetypal truth that is not one specific point in time.
Much of the confusion is a result of the false doctrine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses – they claim that 144,000 is a limit of the people who will reign with Christ in heaven. That seems like a small number of star seed volunteers on earth. I feel like these 144,000 awakened souls are just the tipping point and it’s far more, especially since more rainbow children are arriving each day. This reminds me of the Netflix series “The 100”. Until enough of us evolve to reach this critical mass, we will be unable to bring the New Jerusalem (City of Peace) to our planet.
Many still don’t remember who they are, but they often have a sense of feeling homesick for some other world or other place. They do not feel that they belong on earth and cannot understand the way humans treat each other. There is a deep yearning for being of service and a sense that they are on earth to share something of great importance.
But Earth is already seeded with millions of star brothers & sisters as well as the Lyra & rainbow warriors who are calling them together. They are activating & awakening them into their highest gifts. Even masters had to pass through the veil of amnesia as this was one of the only ways to come into embodiment on earth. It takes courage to come to Earth & forget your divine origins!
Yogic Perspective of the Lotus
Is it a coincidence that there are 144,000 chosen ones and 144,00 lotus petals in yogic philosophy?
The chakra system is represented by flowers with various numbers of petals (4+6+10+12+16+96). When the petals are added together, they are 144 at the 6th chakra. When multiplied by 1000 (the crown chakra) it totals 144,000 lotus petals. When all these energy centers are open, prana flows unobstructed, and you become Self-realized. Just as a lotus mired in mud (3D) reaches to the light (5D). The petals unfolding outward revealing a single, brilliant core of golden light. From this center, the light streams into all directions…like Jesus transfiguring on the Mount. The 144,000 rays of light or vibrations of the divine Creation blossoming.
144,000 is not only the number of lotus petals of the 7 main chakras and the 12 tribes of Israel, there are also other references to this auspicious number. The number clearly seems to have important significance. It’s like the number 144 is a zip file of light and creation. This light of transfiguration is returning to Earth once again to its true role as an international information exchange station for all beings everywhere.
One of the most profound hidden truths emerging in modern discourse is the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. As governments and institutions begin to disclose information about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), many believe this signals a pivotal moment in human history—one that challenges our understanding of existence and our place in the universe.
The connection between the 144,000 and UFO disclosure lies in the shared purpose of these revelations: to expand our consciousness and open humanity to the possibility of interstellar connections. Could it be that these volunteers were aware of this impending disclosure, and that their mission is to help humanity integrate these truths, transcending fear and embracing the unknown?
Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not.
Both equally terrifying.
- Arthur C. Clarke
The Rainbow Tablets explain that DNA experiments were done on Earth & there was also interference by (negative) star races. This was an experiment of separation. Thousands of years ago human DNA was tampered with and shortened to 2-strands to cut off Self from Source. In addition, energetic grids were placed around the Earth to separate us from higher vibrations and block higher frequencies from entering our planet.
Programs of illusion and lower frequencies were implanted into your DNA and societal structures. Humans came to believe that they were alone in the cosmos disconnected from the divine essence that flows through all. They adopted a deep sense of unworthiness and forgot they were all connected. The Divine Feminine was suppressed and the divine masculine distorted into patriarchal domination. Sexual distortions and programs (like MK Ultra - more in April’s musing) were seeded into our societies to cut them off from their greatest alchemy and magic through divine union and sacred sexuality. And so greed, competition, control, sexual depravity, fear, and so on infused the very fabric of society. Almost all that we know is illusion.
Many races were exploited. Earth was not the only planet and humans not the only race that were exploited. The disease of the human ego, greed, power, jealousy & insecurity prevailed, and ancient civilizations crumbled. The same epidemic is happening here with many wanting their moment in the spotlight for egoic purposes. This has been perpetuated through the growth of social media and “reality” television.
It was agreed that the only way to truly disable these grids and bring about the restoration of the full 12-stand DNA connection was to incarnate on Earth. Rather than 144,000 there have been millions of awakened masters incarnated on earth over billions of years of lessons.
Even the star races & parasitic beings that have taken advantage of Earth are also on their own journey of remembering. There is no judgement. All are just finding their way in this great experiment of duality/separation. But the GFL have been working with us for as long as Earth has existed. Our star brothers & sisters have been assisting us from above by sending high frequency code transmissions. And below on the ground, the grid workers are helping to dismantle the old grids that blocked our planet from the higher realms.
Earth was forged as a co-creation with our galactic family before we all made the cosmic agreement to enter the Reign of Darkness.
A lot of inter-dimensional beings don’t have the luxuries of the senses as we do. They don’t have the ability to have all the experiences we have. We can smell, touch, taste, hear and see incredible things on this planet. They don’t know what it’s like to hug someone, eat food, or smell a flower. Some are jealous of our ability to have sex and the human orgasm.
Elizabeth April says we have 2 parts to being human: a physical body (mass) & a soul or vibrational frequency (energy). We are vibrational beings first and physical beings second. We need to equally understand and respect both aspects to fully integrate them into our everyday existence. You cannot get rid of your human while still being one! It also means to completely surrender and listen to those deeper aspects of your experience.
It’s okay to enjoy the physical aspects and pleasures of human existence. But the second you overvalue those aspects above value for yourself, they will be taken away from you.
I’ve mentioned before that this great awakening and activation into full cosmic DNA is for all. It even includes the parasitical beings who have incarnated as humans on Earth. For all are divine love at their essence and all are just making sense of their experience in separation, trying to find their way back to wholeness, back to Source.
Treat all human beings as if they are sacred until the sacred in them remembers.
End of Times
The energetic field of Rainbow Warriors brings light to all around them that is not in alignment with truth. This offers the opportunity for great growth and remembering through the shedding of what is false. This is why they are known as the Destroyers of illusion assisting with the crumbling of the false matrix on a grand scale.
DNA is now being restored both from above through light encoded upgrades and from below through ego death & breaking the old energetic programs that has left humans disconnected since the DNA shortening. These adjustments will create a vessel with a high enough frequency to hold the higher self without causing fragmentation. These DNA upgrades are restoring the rainbow frequency. This is challenging to the human body, and you may feel confused, triggered, exhausted, etc. as you are pushed to the edge in your healing process.
Yet this does not happen in an instant but in stages. To do so all at once would be too much for the human psyche and nervous system. It is a slow process of shedding, rejecting old paradigms, and then remembering with ALL your memories returning.
Truth vs Illusion
Everything we know is an illusion and is an opportunity to come into alignment & re-embodiment of cosmic truth. This is why it may feel that truth is subjective as each individual goes through the process of rejecting illusion & control in order to return to their rainbow frequency of divine love.
This is why it is imperative to listen to another's truth with an open heart & open ears without the need to force your beliefs onto them. If you feel you need to force your truth onto others and correct them because you believe they are wrong (fear), you are acting from ego. Both are rooted in separation.
Allow your truth to radiate from you not with the motive of changing others but because you are coming from divine love. Each much experience truth in their own way. It’s okay to stand in your truth but know that it is evolving so hold on lightly. Share your truth without attachment, no motive. We are all here to co-create and help each other remember.
When you are able to witness & love others free of ego, that acknowledges the Divine sovereign being in each and every one. And when you see the God/Goddess in one, you see the God/Goddess in all and there is no need to force anything upon them. Each is perfectly capable of choosing their own path and their own experiences. That is the universal law of free will.
As you do your shadow work, you will embody more truth & divine love as a wayshower. This work is literally changing the world. Your integrity will inspire others and awaken the truth in all you encounter thereby ending the experiment in separation, fulfilling the rainbow prophecy, and bringing back together again ALL races…even those who have inflicted pain on earth.
Not only are all the systems & structures of the world in chaos, but we are also in a long & slow ascension process…returning to unification and shifting from homo-sapien to homo-luminescent.
Our planet is being illuminated with the help of our star sisters & brothers. We are also receiving waves of solar energy that are awakening & activating the physical body. Don’t forget to ground yourself, drink lots of water, take naps, and breathe. Also, movement is medicine so you might want to move more. The more you work with movement, the more you embody the full expression of God/Goddess/Unity Consciousness. Remember the dance of duality? It’s a beautiful blend of grounding into the body while increasing your vibration/frequency – the rhythmic flow and unification of heaven & earth. You are now dancing with heaven-on-earth consciousness.
Planet Earth has 3 forms representing the different stages of evolution or density. They are 3D Earth, 5D Tara, and 7D Gaia. Earth’s body still holds that 7D rainbow frequency. The rainbow frequency existed only within the land, encoded in the body of Gaia herself. It was embedded in her mountains & rivers, her trees & oceans. Over time, indigenous wisdom keepers who were able to communicate with the land extracted pieces of wisdom which formed the rainbow prophecy. Now is the time for the cosmic rainbow prophecy to be and the Twin Flames to unite.
So, back to “In the beginning” and the many “Creation Stories”…You were never created. Things that are created have an end-date. Source is outside of this construct, the “beginning” is the void. The You-niverse is infinite. Each soul is its own Source and its own unique essence. Yet, it’s all connected. There is no merging with Source because you are Source. You are the ALL and the ALL is you. Aho!
#HeavenonEarth #HopiProphecy #14400Volunteers #RainbowWarriors #Ascension #AngelsandGalactics #DimensionsofReality #TwinFlames #DNAExperiments #MatrixIllusion