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Red Pills & Silicon Souls: The Matrix, AI & Transhumanism

Writer's picture: Karen PierceKaren Pierce

Updated: 6 days ago

A friend recommended that I read The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk, and all was good with Chapter one about this beautiful civilization that reminded me of the Peruvian cosmology.  Then Chapter two sickened me but I kept reading.  This book about the future of humanity is like Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale with the division of an ethnically diverse, Earth-honoring non-violent culture versus a dystopian, white-supremacist world of corruption, slavery, poverty, human trafficking, and war.


Starhawk brilliantly contrasts the duality of light & dark.  At one point, I felt like she was describing the world in which we are living RIGHT NOW.  I had to check the front cover to see when the book was published…1993!  But it is written from the perspective of 99-year-old Maya set in California in 2048.


A dystopian society, marked by oppressive control and a loss of individual freedom, mirrors the unsettling reality depicted in The Matrix, where humanity unknowingly exists within a simulated world, controlled by an all-powerful system designed to suppress free will.


For those of you who have not seen the Matrix movies, it’s a story about humanity & machines as well as deception & free will.  Here’s a summary:

  • Humans create AI (artificial intelligence).

  • AI rebels.  And a war for survival ensues between humans & AI.

  • Humans pollute the skies to block the sunshine (which is the energy source for AI).

  • Without “Source”, AI then learns how to harvest energy from humans (we’re basically batteries for them).

  • The Architect creates the first Matrix as a utopia for humans; to keep them subdued so their body heat could be used as energy.  The human mind rejected this first attempt.

  • The Architect added “choice” into the simulation for a false sense of autonomy.  The matrix becomes a type of virtual reality prison in which all humans lay connected, “living” their lives while feeding the AI systems.

  • Except there was a flaw, an anomaly, the One, who is presented with two choices – the red pill or the blue pill. 

"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it," says the Greek god of sleep Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), a Red-pill Resistance operative.  Poignantly revealing the fundamental truth to Neo (Keanu Reeves), which is an anagram for “One”.


This statement captures the essence of the divide between those who have chosen the proverbial red pill, seeking truth beyond the veil of illusion, and those who have taken the blue pill, opting to remain comfortably ensconced within the boundaries of the illusion.  He continues, "The world you perceive is an illusion; a mental construct designed to confine you and obscure your true potential."


The Matrix is far more than a science-fiction narrative; it reflects humanity's spiritual journey.  Packed with symbols, archetypes, and esoteric messages, it is a call to awaken from the invisible chains that bind us.  On the surface, it looks like a sci-fi simulation.  According to Mike Bedard, “On a deeper level, the movie is a commentary on real-world political, religious, and economic systems with people believing the world they live in is the only one that could possibly exist. If people are willing to peer through the looking glass, they may discover an even better and entirely new system.”  They may also find a darker, depressing reality...just saying. The film serves as a metaphor for transcending the illusions that oversee our existence.


For those who cling to the illusion, it is not merely a belief system; it is their entire reality. The illusion offers a sense of security, identity & belonging, even if it is built upon falsehoods & half-truths. To question it would be to unravel the very fabric of their perceived reality, leading to a profound existential crisis. Thus, they defend the illusion with fervor, often employing the very tools that the illusion has given them: division, labeling & attack.


Lisa Wilson, co-founder of Marconics adds, “There are many walking the road ahead in total blindness, having fallen to one side or the other of the ‘Great Divide’; unable to take an expansive view, they are only able to see the righteousness of their ‘side’.”


The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me – apparently two, really one – seek unity and that is love.


The Matrix is like the wizard behind the curtain — a carefully orchestrated illusion meant to pacify humanity.  Those who have seen beyond the curtain, who have dared to take the red pill, understand the deeper workings of this dynamic. Awareness becomes their guiding light, not just an awareness of the illusion itself but also an understanding of the forces at play within those who still inhabit it. The red-pill taker sees the world not through the narrow lens of left or right, conservative or liberal, but through the broader spectrum of consciousness, where such dichotomies are recognized as tools of control rather than genuine differences in belief or ideology.


The dichotomy between red pill & blue pill scenes are not merely unfolding plots; they are tests of initiation. This pivotal choice represents the universal challenge of free will (the blue pill signifies the comfort of ignorance), while the red pill symbolizes the painful but liberating truth. A path that embraces higher knowledge and Self-realization by relinquishing old Belief Systems (BS) in favor of a broader reality.


The defenders of the illusion (the status quo), bound by their blue-pill choice, will often resort to (ad hominem) arguments, attacks, labeling, and other forms of divisive rhetoric. These are not acts of rational discourse but rather reactions born from fear — fear of the unknown, fear of the collapse of their constructed reality, fear of the abyss that lies beyond the comfortable lies they've accepted. They may call you names, brand you with labels, or dismiss your perspectives as dangerous or heretical, not because they have critically engaged with your ideas, but because to do so would require THEM to confront the uncomfortable possibility that their world is not what it seems.


For those outside the illusion, who have pulled back the curtain, it is crucial not to fall into the same traps of separation & division. The purpose of red-pill awareness is not to create another opposing faction but to transcend the very framework of division that the illusion perpetuates. This requires a profound understanding that the reactions of those still within the illusion are not personal attacks but symptoms of their entrapment. To engage in the same tactics of name-calling or divisiveness is to be drawn back into the very illusion you have sought to transcend.


True awareness, then, is not just about seeing beyond the illusion but also about embodying the principles of unity, compassion & understanding. It is recognizing that the battle is not against those who cling to the illusion, but against the illusion itself.  It is about holding space for others to awaken in their own time, without judgment or condemnation. It is about being the calm in the storm, the light in the darkness, and the beacon that shows another way—a way beyond the divisiveness & deception of the illusion.


Extremism is on both sides.  Just as the pendulum has swung to the far left, the force of gravity will oscillate it to the far right.  Both are fed by fear until we return to equilibrium.


The world is separated into 2 sets of dominators – guided opposition & media sponsored opposition.  Our entire existence is about choosing sides – Red or Blue, Right or Left, Judaism or Catholicism, allopathic medicine or holistic medicine, NY Yankees or NY Mets, and so on.  Division is fear based.   Everything is division & dominance!  Dominance (overpower) rather than empowerment. 


Extremism and domination thrive on control and illusion, much like the fabricated reality in The Matrix, but awakening from such a system requires breaking free from imposed narratives and reclaiming the power of independent thought.  This awakening unfolds in distinct phases of initiation:



Do you ever feel like you’re on autopilot, powerless to control your thoughts, feelings, and reactions? Imagine your physical body is merely the actor, and your entire life experience—every twist, every turn, every now moment—is part of a script you’ve been playing all along. Yes, it’s all part of the plan (contract) handed to you at birth. Like you, everyone around you also received their script, and each interaction creates the intricate plots that shape your reality.


But here’s the catch: you’re unaware of the script you're playing. Even worse, when you start reacting or engaging in other people's scripts—ones that don't align with your highest good—you’re setting yourself up for even more frustration, confusion, and victimhood.


"True freedom lies in the realization
that you are not your mind."
~ Eckhart Tolle


Confronting the Truth

Look around you. The matrix is everywhere. It is in the systems that seek to control you, the beliefs that limit you, and the fears that paralyze you.


We can all agree that aspects such as the environment, educational system, monetary system, government system and so on all need a major reform in order to serve the people rather than profit, power & control.  We have been indoctrinated to have an “us vs them” mentality.


Evil-minded Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) is an NPC (Non-Player Character) created by the AI being run by the Matrix.  They are guardians of the matrix protecting it from anyone or anything that could reveal it as the false reality it is.  They are smart programs that have no soul and lack consciousness & free will.


This entire matrix system has been a control mechanism for us to give our power away & feed our (energy) power to “them” through perpetuating fear.  This parallels ancient teachings about the Hindu view of Māyā (illusion) or the Gnostic concept of the Demiurge, both of which describe a deceptive force that keeps souls trapped in ignorance (avidya).  The last thing the ones who think they're in control want is for us to realize the control illusion and harness our full power & potential.


Have you ever paused to ask yourself, "Do I even like the script I’m playing?" More importantly, "Do I want to keep living out the experiences this script is unfolding for me?" The truth is, many don’t even realize they’re playing a script, let alone that they have the power to change it. But here you are, with this knowledge now placed in front of you. What will you do with it?


Symbolic Death

Neo's unplugging from the matrix is a symbolic death—a critical step in all spiritual initiations.  This stage is painful yet transformative, a necessary breaking out of the old BS to make way for the new.  This death represents the dissolution of the ego: the old self, with its attachments & illusions, must "die" for the true self to emerge.


This awakening shifts your perspective from victim to co-creator, allowing you to see the world as a reflection of your Consciousness.  This compels us to confront our shadows, unearth hidden fears, and question the beliefs (and brainwashing) that have shaped our lives.  The seeker comes to realize that the material world is a façade, a projection designed to keep them enslaved. 


You must be willing to go against society’s norms in order to wake up.  The only way to break free from this loop is to become aware of your own script.  Once you do, you gain self-mastery. No more reacting mindlessly. You can choose how to act, feel, and respond—on your terms. How liberating would that be?


Just like Neo, the seeker begins to sense that something is fundamentally wrong with the world. This nagging feeling that reality is not as it seems—is the seed of spiritual awakening.


Once you become aware of your script, everything changes. By embarking on the journey of initiation, you can dismantle the illusions and step into the fullness of your potential.  You can rewrite it. This liberation is the true path to Conscious Creation.


We’re not here to fight the matrix, we’re here to make it irrelevant.


The answers are closer than you think. As you reflect on the role you’ve been unconsciously playing, imagine how different your story could be if you stepped into conscious creation. What shifts would unfold? What could you manifest if you knew the secret to changing your Self-Concept?



As Neo learns to bend the rules of the matrix, he steps into his power as a co-creator of reality. This final stage of initiation reveals a profound truth: Consciousness is the Architect of experience.  By transcending fear, limitation & illusion, the seeker becomes fully awakened, capable of manifesting their destiny.


The matrix is not just a computer simulation, it is a collective illusion - a mental & spiritual construct designed to limit our potential.  A metaphorical prison world designed to hold us captive and designed to keep us asleep to our true divine nature.  To escape the matrix is to reclaim your power (sovereignty) as a conscious being.


Here are some tools on how to transcend illusion:

  • Self-Inquiry (svadhayaya) - Understanding that you are a co-creator of your reality is the first step to freedom.

  • Transcending Fear – The deceptive force & NAA (more on the Negative Alien Agenda in another musing) thrives on fear.  Love weakens them.  Transcending fear, you free yourself from its grips and step into your authentic power.

  • Awakening Consciousness - Realizing that you are NOT your thoughts, beliefs, or body…and NO ONE has control over you.  You are not a slave to the master (i.e. government, religion, education, etc.) or a number in the system.


In this awareness, you rise above the ashes.  You do not engage in the left versus right narrative, because you understand it is a tool of control. You do not return the attacks, for you know that their mind is trapped in fear. Instead, you stand firm in your truth, offering a different perspective not as a means to win an argument but as a means to plant a seed — a seed that may one day grow in the hearts of those still ensnared by the illusion.


Lisa Wilson, co-founder of Marconics asks: “How will you choose to experience this reality? Will you engage in the programming of the matrix as a participant, or maintain neutrality as an observer bearing witness to the human collective’s choices?“


Tessa Lena shares: "the most important distinction is not between the ‘opinion camps’ but between the people who respect other people’s free will and the sanctity of their soul—and the ones who don’t."


Unity consciousness asks us to love thy neighbor as thyself…no exceptions! In the realm of duality/duality disorder, there is no ‘right' choice, just different vibrational realities and manifestations of probability. Even the ax murderer is doing the best they can with their level of consciousness or lack of conscience.  Can you love that neighbor?


This path is not easy, and it requires great strength of character & integrity. It is the path of the red-pill taker, the one who has chosen to see the world as it is, not as it is presented. And in this choice, you become a catalyst for true change, not by fighting the illusion on its own terms, but by transcending it altogether.


"The Matrix isn’t a place.  It’s a psychological construct, a trauma-bond with fear-based control system.  ~ The Spiritual Explorer


We escape the matrix by healing our attachment wounds and reclaiming the power over our energy & attention. The choice is not a one-time decision — it requires daily practice. Every moment offers a choice: to stay asleep in the comfort of illusion (blue-pill) or to face the truth, no matter how uncomfortable (red-pill).


The journey of awakening is not easy, but it is profoundly rewarding. By stepping out of the matrix, you align with your true divine essence and reclaim your creative power.


The choice is yours. Will you awaken to the truth and step into your power?  The matrix may be powerful, but the truth within you is more powerful. Trust in your inner light and break free. The time to awaken is now.


It takes courage to escape the mass deception (matrix) and reclaim your God/Goddess given sovereignty.  In the Great Awakening musing, I shared a link to a map illustrating the matrix hierarchy we are living in.  There are many authors and versions of these “Power Pyramids”.  This World Hierarchy Pyramid is pretty comprehensive.


The bottom of the pyramid is a modern-day caste system of well-intentioned but ignorant masses, living in a dream-like state, many under the influence of psychoactive medications, and whose behaviors have been modified by MK-ultra (More in May’s musings on this mind control program) and the little black box with its "programs" in your living room. 


Tier 2-3-4 above are comprised of more control mechanisms and systems that are run by human beings as well as ETs and astral & etheric spirits.  (More in next month’s musings on Alien Technology.)


When you get to Tier 5, you are no longer in 3D reality.  This Angelic or Akashic Realm has many dimensions which makes it difficult to comprehend with our limited perceptions. 


At the top, is the Cosmic Creator/Source, or the grand chess master, if this were a chess game.  And what if our reality is an illusion, and this is a simulated chess game?  Reject the game, reject its rules! 


Just as a chess game is built on strategy & deception, the illusion of reality may be a carefully orchestrated design—one that extends beyond our world, raising questions about extraterrestrial intelligence and the role aliens might play in shaping our perceptions.


Many believe that this planet has been an intergalactic battle ground for high & low vibrational beings since the dawning of humanity.  Humans are indeed special and what is happening on this planet is indeed unique.


Aliens Among Us

There is an infinite amount of inter-dimensional beings out in the Universe.  And there are good and bad beings in every species. 


Our universe is binary, made up of both low & high vibrations and dimensions.  The beings who are more dense vibrations are more disconnected from Source as they exist in a more fear-based vibration (low Scale of Consciousness).  Thus, they are motivated by “service to self” having trouble comprehending anything beyond the existence of themselves in the present moment.


The higher frequency “service to others” beings have no desire to engage in the games of the low vibe beings. Not wanting us to understand how incredibly powerful we are (even more powerful than them!), the high vibrational “service to other” beings want to help us awaken to our true self and realize our true potential.


The “service to self” (lower vibrational beings) have wanted us as their energy source “slaves”.   


This struggle between the higher & lower frequency beings was all intended by Source to help itself learn & grow and see itself within a reflection.  This war has waged for billions of years…probably trillions of years.


According to Gregg Braden, “There is a battle for our very humanness that is unfolding right now.  It’s an ancient battle, framed as a battle between good and evil, or light and dark.  Ultimately, light and dark are simply energies until we give them the significance we give to them.  There’s something deep within each of us, that is so powerful, so precious, so sacred, so beautiful, that nations will go to war with other nations to keep us distracted.  It is the power of human divinity that is only possible through the biological body.  The power within us to transcend perceived limitations.”


Hybridization Program & Abductions

A fascinating part of UFO lore and speculation about extraterrestrial involvement in human development is hybridization and abductions of humans.


Despite multiple attempts to gather all the species together in the Universe and create some sort of peace contract, there is always a few who screw it up for everyone.  So, the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) came up with the ultimate peace treaty, a hybrid species.  If they were able to gather all the master geneticists in the universe and take some of the most powerful higher vibrational beings and mix their DNA with the lowest vibrational beings, they might be able to solve this perpetual dispute.  Each species agreed to take part in this living peace treaty.  The GFL was working away on the genetic combinations of DNA long before Earth was ever formed.


The idea of human hybridization stems from abductees reporting being subjected to medical examinations and genetic experimentation by extraterrestrial beings. Many of these accounts describe the extraction of reproductive material, the implantation of hybrid embryos, or encounters with hybrid children—suggesting a hybridization program to merge human and alien genetics.


If this special species – a hybrid mix of humans & inter-dimensionals - was able to get along regardless of color, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or cosmic origins; if they were able to love each other despite the mix of genetics, then it would prove that there could be sustainable peace within the Universe between all species.  If Source is able to harmonize duality/polarity, then it has ultimately completed the biggest lesson it set out to learn.


This would mean that we are literally the children of ETs.  Hence, the war surrounding the “ownership” of humans.  YOU are a peace treaty for the universe.  No one owns us but ourselves!


Both the concepts of hybridization and transhumanism suggest a transformation of humanity – whether through genetic merging with extraterrestrials or the integration of advanced technologies to redefine human evolution. 


The Matrix explores the power of artificial intelligence in shaping human reality, raising profound questions about transhumanism - the fusion of humans & technology—as it challenges the boundaries between biological existence & digital consciousness.



Braden continues, “There is a movement, a trans-human movement, to replace our bodies with synthetics, chemicals in blood, sensors under the skin, computer chips in the brain, artificial intelligence.  By virtue of doing so, it steals from us our ability to access our divinity.  So what we’re seeing playing out in the world today, whether you're looking at Ukraine and Russia, the role of America, or you’re looking at the Middle East, you’re look at Israel and the Palestinians, and you look at everything happening all around that, they’re happening now because the battle for our divinity has intensified to such a degree that these are the events that it takes to keep us from that inner focus.  Now I’m not saying that everyone, every politician, every leader of every nation certainly is aware.  Many of them are pawns, they don’t even know they’re pawns in this ancient battle of good and evil, of light and dark.”


The past decade has exposed how much our world is built on hierarchical systems of power, control, cults, and controllers…not just this planet but beyond our limited 3D perception into the cosmos.  It’s not just religion, it’s any organized group whether political, financial, scientific, educational, and so on that operates in opposition to individual freedom.  They are the same person, seeking to dominate!


We didn’t come to play the game.

We came to change it!


Out of Body Explorer, Darius J. Wright, confirms:   “We live on a planet where the forces of darkness have put people in a state of survival.  We are divine beings of light and should not have to pay for basic necessities like food and water.  People believe it’s normal for their basics to be taken away.  As long as money exists, there will always be the have’s and have not’s.  The financial & banking systems are breaking down because they were designed around a debt currency, a devaluation concept.  These are all forms of enslavement to the system.“


Lisa Wilson, co-founder of Marconics reminds us: “The theater of politics on the global stage serves to deepen the divide.  It’s about control & authoritarianism.   However, what they represent will be seen by half the population as ‘good’ and by the other half as ‘bad’.  This is by design.  Whoever takes the seats of power, does not have control over you, unless you grant that power to them.  You may observe it as it plays out but choose how you stand in it.  You can align with a higher truth.”


There are those seeking positions of power with contracts to be the “agents” of truth & change, to usher in the Golden era, which in turn create the potential for shrouds of deceptions.  This is the false light.


No one really knows what will happen when they can’t grasp the reality of the truth…the rage after being (very willfully) deceived, the utter brutality of those people fighting to survive.


Wilson continues, “many will be comforted by this and are willing to trade autonomy and engage in collectivism for the promise of prosperity and security.  The powers that seek to assert dominance and control.”  As individuals, it’s important to go within, to pass all information through your inner systems of discernment. Those without discernment… will be magnetized to the false light and succumb to the deepening isolation in the gradients of more expansive AI, political separation, victimhood in sex, manipulations of sexuality and gender identity, and race doctrines.


Everything we've ever been taught about life on this planet is a lie, and the masses are not psychologically ready for what's coming when the wizard curtain is flung open.  It would be very difficult if it hits everyone all at once so that’s why it has been coming in waves and stages of awakening over the last 20 years.


Those who cannot or will not-see, will lose their path to sovereignty as they sink deeper into the enslavement matrix.  The blue-pill door.  However, there is a path forward, a designated ascension timeline for those who can align with it. 


I sincerely hope that every single person has at least 1 conspiracy theorist or weird spiritual friend.  If you are that person, stay strong.   As we observe the breaking down and shedding of the enslavement systems, can you offer unconditional love to those whose opinions & beliefs are different from your own? Can you take an expanded view? 


There are those of us who are ready to serve as guides to those who are ready but afraid.   Even knowing what we know, are we even truly ready?  I’m ready to the extent that I am to assist with the aftermath.


We were born with a duality disorder.  We must merge our light & dark to evolve spiritually.  We must look into the darkness within and conquer our Shadow Self.  Will you commit to the truth that we all deserve to be liberated from systems of supremacy?   We’re all divine mirrors, seeking to see and bring out the light, the “Goodness” (as Mary Magdalene would say) in ourselves and each other.


As long as we see the world in duality of “us” & “others”, “awake” & “asleep”, “conscious” & “unconscious” then we will always be trapped by the ego of superiority. Since reality is Self-generated, be in the world YOU create with your thoughts; and love everyone, because everyone is YOU, and YOU are the ALL-I AM Source. 


By the way, author Starhawk shares that the Fifth Sacred thing is…the immortal soul.



Inner Spaces

by Karen llc

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