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Soul Connections, Soul Mates & Twin Flames

Writer's picture: Karen PierceKaren Pierce

Updated: Feb 2

Last month, I introduced you to the Goddess Ma'at.  Ma'at's presence extends beyond truth, justice, balance, and order; she embodies a powerful feminine archetype that resonates deeply with the concept of cosmic balance in all aspects of existence. Her symbolism intertwines with spiritual notions like twin flames, where the quest for balance mirrors the cosmic dance of union of opposites.  This month we delve deeper within ourselves and our most intimate connections.


The word “Yanantin”, a fundamental concept of Andean thought - even considered the first law - is related to the heart.  It is a Quechua word – composed of the root "yana" which has to do with Yachay (knowledge or to know), and also means "the lover with his beloved".  Together with the suffix "n", it makes up "yana-n", or the "pure white".  Then you have the suffix "tin" which means "insoluble union".  The “ntin” is the idea of the intertwined, the idea of pairs, or two parts coming together in balance to form a whole.   In English it would be “equilibrium from complementary opposition”.  In other words…Yoga!


Sisa Pacari Bacacela shares that it means that reality arises from the pair, the cosmos is made up of two different substances, irreducible to each other, which are also opposite and complementary.  In other words, everything is dual.  But not as in dualism – black & white, above & below, heaven & hell, inner & outer, yin & yang.  It is the presence of opposites, the necessary complements to strengthen itself.


Yantanin is Andean’s vision of the world – simply a “complementary dualism”.  It’s a set of principles of reciprocity (ayni) and relationality that aims to preserve the cosmic order.  They believe life depends on the balance of polarities, harmonizing opposites without destroying either.  Unfortunately. with the imposition of the patriarchal, colonialist, and racist system, these traditions have been suppressed.


These complementary polarities are based on assigning masculine or feminine qualities.  Therefore, it is also a philosophy of gender.  Each person genetically has both masculine & feminine.  Therefore man & woman is indissoluble unity.   Man and woman are half of a WHOLE that complement one another.  Both genders are a requirement for balance in nature and life at least in this physical plane.  Always together.  Life in unity.


Know that your Soul is Unity Consciousness, unbounded & free; a timeless, limitless, borderless, formless, weightless, genderless, immortal, infinite intelligence, divine, multi-dimensional cosmic being of Source light. 


Gender Hierarchy & Patriarchy

Ms. Bacacela explains: “Gender hierarchy was imposed by Europeans when they colonized indigenous societies and women were degraded and devalued.  This new patriarchy was based on a false ‘superior’ that is maintained by fear of losing control over women.  This idea of yanantin still remained but was weakened.  Gender equality is a part of that philosophy.  That the masculine & feminine coexist equally but with different functions.”


In a world of duality, all opposites are part of the whole.  All of us are held within an energetic web of – light & dark; heat & cold; masculine & feminine; positive & negative; movement & stillness; pleasure & pain; love & fear.  Nothing works separately.  Everything in our lives is an opportunity to create a harmonious relationship.  It is important that we collectively return to balance, yanantin, because everything is interconnected.


In the book Yanantin and Masintin in the Andean World: Complementary Dualism in Modern Peru”, Hillary Webb (pg 24) shares: “For us, yanantin does not focus on the differences between two beings. That's what disconnects them. Instead, we focus on the qualities that brought them together…Not only are they great together, but they need to be together. There is no other way. When there is another, it represents an extra strength for both of you.”


The Heart always knows

In June, I had the opportunity to work with Q’ero elder don Mariano again.  We learned about Munay Karpay.  Munay is the force of love and is connected to our physical heart.  Karpay is an initiation ritual in the Andean spiritual path, specifically opening the heart.  Your heart chakra, at the center of your body, bridges the 3 earth chakras below and the 3 upper ones, making it the meeting point for heaven & earth. The heart chakra allows us to feel unconditional love and invites us to become an open-hearted and compassionate person, where love can expand into infinity.


Only when your heart (munay) is open will there be a foundation for Yachay (wisdom) and Llankay (medicine/work).  It’s an important step in becoming a healer.  These 3 centers represent one of the Andean’s trinities:

  • 3rd eye chakra = yachay, wisdom, condor, upper world.

  • Heart chakra = munay, love, jaguar, middle world.

  • Solar plexus chakra = llankay, medicine, snake, lower world.

The Munay-Ki rites initiate us to become a light for the whole world and show us how to keep our hearts open to experience reality without judgment; accepting it and bringing love wherever it is needed.   We can activate the power of munay (love) by accepting our shadows & our light, our wounds & our strengths, our pains & our joy.  The heart opening like the lotus flower reaching upwards to the light.


Soul Dynamics

Shamanic teacher Alberto Villoldo says, “Love creates miracles and binds everything together. Maybe because love is the thread that weaves the fabric of life, the universal web to which we all belong.”


Soul dynamics embody the energy bonds we share. Some cultures call this soul ties, soul connections, karmic relationships, soul mates, kindred spirits, or Twin Flames.  Although soul ties and twin flames may have similar definitions, they are not the same type of bond.


Soul dynamics are deep connections and spiritual/emotional bonds you develop with someone else. These connections, whether romantic or platonic, can develop with family members, romantic companions, friends, co-workers, or even a beloved pet. The soul-tie relationship surpasses the intimacy of conventional relationships and can continue even when the person is not physically present with you.


Soul connections reflect dynamic chemistry between two people. When you meet someone with whom you instantly connect on many levels, it starts the soul bonding process.   The bonding may occur instantly or require time to form. Once the realization dawns on both parties, they often experience that connection deepens and may feel that there is a contract or arrangement with this person that predated this lifetime, some call this your Soul Mate.  These relationships are fairly easy to be in as true love is never difficult.  Some of these relationships are for long periods of time, even a lifetime or lifetimes, and others are short lived.  But all are here to support, guide and teach us lessons.


Healthy soul ties encourage security and safety. You feel comfortable around this person, enough to confide in them.  The relationship is nurturing and non-judgmental, allowing each person to express themselves freely and be authentic. There is deep empathy and a protective connection.  However, not all soul connections led to happily ever after.


Relationships come in every possible combination - husband/wife, same sex partners, sister/brother, mother/son, father/daughter, close friends, relatives, etc. as well as being in the non-physical realm - so that all facets of unconditional love can be experienced, and karma can be healed.  These connections could be as friends & allies, helping each other out or relationships that involve conflict & separation.  Either way, you are going to learn from each other. 

Life is happening FOR you, not to you.

Soul ties such as the sacred union of marriage, play a significant role. A healthy soul-connection provides the best for each partner. If the relationship is solid, they will work together as a team; their union grows on trust, compassion, and respect.


However, not all soul ties are positive—some can stifle one or both parties, breaking them down emotionally.  Most of us maintain superficial connections or toxic relationships, which often make us feel trapped. Some call these karmic connections, and they can be hard to discern.  An unhealthy soul tie can brew resentment, contempt, and suspicions about the other partner.  It can even leave its mark on their children, too.


We spend an incredible amount of time and energy searching for romantic love, looking for the perfect partner to fall in love with. We are blinded by a dream that often turns into a nightmare. And when after a few kisses our prince turns back into a frog with a drinking problem, we feel disappointed. Lesson missed!


Unhealthy or negative soul ties create toxic relationships. Abuse, codependency, intense jealousy, and emotional manipulation characterize toxic relationships. If a soul tie stifles your growth and breaks down your self-esteem, it means you may have a karmic relationship.


A negative soul tie will trigger deep emotions and sap your energy.  If you forget about yourself as the relationship grows or feel incomplete or a sense of emptiness without the other, that is unhealthy.  If being apart leads to jealousy or obsession, that is unhealthy.  


Physical or verbal abuse is also common in unhealthy soul ties.  Untreated trauma and abuse can also impact future relationships.  Traumatized humans (which is most) are very good at adapting to whatever behavior is culturally deemed “good”, at their own expense.  They automatically adapt to whatever they think is needed for acceptance, for group belonging, and for love.  But they haven’t really changed the unconscious, cultural patterns deeply engrained in their energy body.  Pay attention to those red flags.  This is when the serious shadow work begins…

Conscious Uncoupling:  Self-Inquiry & Self-care

The process of conscious uncoupling requires that you take a good look at yourself.  If you do not take time to reflect and recognize imbalances in the way you relate, you will end up making the same mistakes again causing you pain or emotional trauma.  You must give yourself space to understand any toxic patterns and identify parts of the relationship that threaten your peace of mind.


After you recognize you are in an unhealthy, co-dependent or toxic relationship, it’s important to be kind to yourself, find peace for yourself, and establish healthy boundaries. You can do that by limiting your interaction with unhealthy people.  Too many people listen to the noise of the world instead of themselves. Get out of your head and into your heart.  We feel connected to our heart, yet we forget that we ARE love, and that we can enjoy its sacred power and magic.  Listen to your own voice, your own soul.


Ending relationships isn’t easy.  Validate these feelings and take time to mourn the loss.  It’s also a good time to realize your worth & value to deter unhealthy relationships in the future.


Take time to be by yourself, to practice self-care and self-love.  If you are having trouble ending the relationship, a therapist or counselor can provide a new perspective and non-judgment.  Cord cutting is also a way to break negative connections or let go of past relationships. Especially if there has been physical intimacy as now both partner’s energy is intertwined creating a spiritual bonding.  When we exchange bodily fluids (spit, kissing, sex, blood transfusion, organ transplant, etc.), we are exchanging energy and are now spiritually connected so be conscious of the consequences at a deeper soul level.


Remember, everything is maintained and held together by frequency (more on this next month).  The Law of Attraction tells us like attracts like.  Frequencies act as a magnet and a gravitational force that pulls other similar frequencies together.


Just like the Scale of Consciousness, your relationship also has a frequency.  Davonte Sheard explains it as “toxicity has a very low vibrational frequency number (let’s denote it is 0-300hz).  In the toxic frequencies, your relationship is held together by fear, lust, low self-worth, jealousy, stress, survival, lack of self- love.  And as long as you both remain in these frequencies the relationship will be held together.”  The moment one person in the relationship starts to heal & grow that raises their frequency, love or above, and the relationship will begin to fall apart.  There is no magnet holding them together anymore.  So, the Universe responds by attracting events to separate them because there is no longer a vibrational match (resonance). 


Now you need to decide.  If you maintain the relationship, you have lost the opportunity for spiritual evolution.  Chances are you will blame your partner for your fear, yet it was your choice to sacrifice your own evolution.  Fear is the opposite of love.  With fear you shrink, with love you expand.  With fear you close, with love you open.  With fear you doubt, with love you trust. Your fear is what keeps you locked into the lower frequencies, and your low vibrational relationship.  Anything other than unconditional love is a fear-based illusion.


Romantic relationships satisfy personal needs and self-gratification. Without growth, eventually this relationship will fail.  But when two people come together with the intention of growth, the relationship strives towards something much greater. Together there is an opportunity to expand more than they could alone, and the partnership becomes a journey of evolution – a Conscious Couple.

"Relationships work when 1 + 1 =3"

It takes courage to choose growth over your relationship but if you do, the universe responds by sending a higher vibrational partner to grow with you.  You must first believe you deserve better and then the Universe will serve it.


You didn’t come here to be trapped in relationships & connections that limit your full potential.  Let go of this idea of romantic love so that you can ascend into the higher frequencies of universal divine love.


Mature love, yes.

Romantic love, no.

"When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain."

~ Mark Twain

Wounded Feminine:  Relationships & Transformation

Right now, many relationships are going through transformation. People are unsatisfied because the wounded feminine in all humans is obsessed with romance and romantic love.  The current paradigm isn't working.  Luckily, when systems break down, that's when they change.

According to psychologist John Gottman (famous for being able to predict with 93.6% accuracy, which couples will divorce), “Statistically speaking, when a man is not willing to share power with his partner, there is an 81% chance that his marriage will self-destruct.  It will either break up in divorce or settle into long-term unhappiness.”


We have become so disconnected to the feminine principles which hold our connection to nature, spirit, the mystical, and the divine.  We have been brainwashed with Disney, the Lifetime Channel, and all the romantic movies & novels.  Romanticism has deluded us into thinking that once we “fall in love” with that one special person, life is complete.

A mature relationship is when partners feel committed to a sense of purpose, and that purpose is growth. Individual growth, collective growth as a couple, and growth that makes the world a better place.


Mature love (munay) knows that this love doesn’t come from anything or anyone outside of us.  Love is not a relationship.  Love is a state; it has nothing to do with anyone else. Universal love is a deeply personal relationship with self and divine/God (whatever term you use).  This is why cultures that have a stronger connection to spirit and nature chose partners based on compatibility, shared values, and aligned dharmas (purpose) - yanantin. 

When we establish our relationship to a universal love light first then we can truly love another because we can actually SEE them.  Love is the depth of intimacy.  In the hilarious comedy The Love Guru, Mike Meyers plays Pitka, a self-help sage, and is a master of wordplays such as intimacy = Into Me I See.


The conscious couple prioritizes personal growth over the outcome of their relationship. They understand that true fulfillment comes from evolving physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Each individual is committed to introspection and addressing their own inner challenges.


They believe that nurturing growth is essential for sustaining their relationship, even if it means risking outgrowing it. They acknowledge that everyone carries past wounds and triggers, and they take responsibility for their own emotional responses, recognizing these as opportunities for personal evolution.


In their relationship, they value honesty, where both partners courageously share their deepest feelings and thoughts. They embrace discomfort and triggers as signs of authenticity and potential growth, rather than avoiding them to maintain comfort.


Love, for them, is not merely a feeling but a continuous practice of acceptance, presence, forgiveness, and pushing the boundaries of vulnerability. They see love as a journey of exploration, constantly challenging them to ask: what would love do in this situation? This ongoing inquiry fosters growth and deepens their connection in ways they hadn't previously imagined.


Venus Goddess of Love & Healing the Wounds of Patriarchy

Historically, women have not been seen as a valid source of wisdom, leadership, intelligence, and insight. Instead, they have been devalued and disempowered.  Please don’t underestimate what centuries of engrained sexism around the idea that “women are irrational, women are emotional, women are weak, women are unstable, women can’t do math, women cannot lead, women have no head for business” can do to the unconscious.  This deep bias in ALL of us requires serious shadow work.


This “standard model” or social brainwashing is being played out in corporations, church, academia, pharmaceuticals, etc.  They have a vested interest in perpetuating a story of powerlessness, helplessness, and lack of value in life.  It’s all about money, power, ego, and habits.  We’re bombarded everywhere.  You begin to believe what peers and/or social media are saying.  We have teens taking their lives because they’ve been told they are not worth being in this world.  It’s generational so all the hurts of our ancestors are being triggered.  We’re being asked to interpret our religion, color of skin, sexuality, etc. through the eyes of another generation. 


Venus is the planet of love, harmony, and beauty. Its energy inspires us to connect with our inner Goddess, fan our creative flames, and surround ourselves with love.  Venus represents sacred feminine energy. This energy lives within all of us and all of nature.

Currently, the divine feminine energy is going through a dramatic revolutionary awakening.  Simultaneously, the toxic patriarchy is shifting away, and the divine masculine energy is being restored so both God & Goddess can live in yanantin.  The yin-yang symbol represents both energies in harmony, in a state of divine balance.


We are all being asked to raise our vibrational frequency to a new level of consciousness and growth. These old patterns become stifling, suffocating, and overpowering.  This is a dance of duality that may be chaotic until it aligns with the divine.  But that dance teaches us profound and transforming lessons about the magic, mystery and sacredness of love.  With unconditional love, duality dissolves into Oneness.


When the divine feminine meets her sacred masculine, a magic alchemy between their energy fields starts to operate. Until they merge into one divine being.


According to Mike Harrigan: “These current times represent a period of unprecedented and rapid soul shifts for the men on this earth plane who have elected, on a spiritual level, to raise their consciousness, to recall eternal memories of spiritual wisdom and healing powers.


“A new wave of male spiritual pioneers re-claim their roles as guardians and protectors of the planet. At the center of their desire for a new way of life and purpose is a very deep, very ancient devotion to the Goddess.  And the divine feminine has prepared space for these masculine souls for eons in order for this transition to be made into their authentic lives.


“These awakening men desire alignment with inner truth and are breaking the old patriarchal patterns of behavior.  They yearn to listen to their hearts over their heads, to use logic with loving, compassionate wisdom.  They don't want to be cut off from their hearts and intuitive voices. They are creating new ways to blend the two elements of the masculine vibration - head & heart - so that the Earth trusts them again with its heart.  The Universe will send these men the right people at the right time, so that they can feel the support of the Divine Mother and know that she trusts them to make the changes they are being guided to make.”


As we move more into that divine feminine frequency, we will shift into a space of oneness, surrendering our separateness (ego) to something much greater.  As a result of this ascension in Consciousness, Dakota Earth Cloud Walker believes “many people are being reunited with their Twin Flame.  So, this reunion completes the fulfillment of returning to a state of oneness.”


Celestial Twin Flames

A Twin Flame is another type of soul connection.  However, it is the rarest and the deepest connection because these ancient souls come from the highest level of consciousness and dimension.  Twin Souls connect on a deeper physical, mental & spiritual level than Soul Mates.  Twin flames share a soul (with both male & female energy) at the birthing of your Consciousness.  They split and incarnated into 2 bodies, one male and one female, but they are one soul.  Think two sides of a coin.  They are opposites yet complementary.


Harrigan continues, “this phenomenon explains why Twin Flames are referred to as ‘Two in One’ because this energetic vibration of oneness originates from the Soul.”  It is part of your original soul/infinity spark that divided into two – male & female, yang & yin.  You may even realize that your soul split before this incarnation.  Separated, you each incarnated into different lineages and have had multiple incarnations in which you attended Earth school, learned your lessons, and healed past wounds. 


Twin Flames may go through periods of physical or emotional separation, where they are unable to be together. This allows each soul to focus on personal growth, healing, spiritual awakening, and transformation so they can gain clarity on their life's purpose.  They may also incarnate together to experience a romantic partnership to fulfill a specific purpose together.  This partnership invites each to become the best version of their Self by growing and evolving equally and connecting more with the higher Self. 


Dakota Earth Cloud Walker continues, “some people believe twin flames are never together until they meet in what will be their last lifetime or last incarnation. While others believe you will be reunited with your twin flame in a time where you both are to grow & learn exponentially.” So, you may find your twin flame in physical reality or in an ethereal dimension. 


The Twin Flame connection is complex.  Twin Flames are not the same as mature love between humans.  Twin Flames’ souls are forever bonded beyond the physical realm.  It goes beyond the realms of the traditional understanding of a relationship and dives to the deepest depths of the soul and into the higher spiritual realms.  The soul partnership is a pure flow of unconditional divine love, and it serves as an example to humans of what is truly a sacred union.   It may be difficult to connect to the more advanced love frequencies that are significantly higher than our 3D perception of reality.


These celestial partners (true twin flames) do not operate on 3D density as they are ascended beings. The journey of Twin Flames is often a difficult path of self-reflection, self-discovery, self-sacrifice, and spiritual awakening.  This type of union is only going to happen for those who have surrendered control and unconditionally trust the divine timing of the universe.  They have already ascended back to God/Goddess/Source and are now coming back to earth to help other souls get through the ascension process.  For sacred reasons, these celestial marriages are not meant or intended for everyday humans.


Tantric Healer, Ellen Redd, adds that “Twin flames are RARE.  And the way they became may not be something most humans are prepared to sacrifice for.  As for a spiritual gift to be awarded, one first must make a mortal sacrifice. The twin flame story is an eternal/galactic/spiritual war story, that will include often times one partner passing over to help hold the frequency on the earth plane for the soul mission at hand.  Twin flames embody love. They are a love story already.  They are the essence of love.” 


Abigail Stellar Shekinah says, “being a Twin Flame means you came to Earth to be that essence of unconditional love & be that bridge humanity needs to ascend to fifth-dimensional consciousness. If you discover you are a Twin flame, it is a defining part of who you are & not an external concept that one can push away or bypass.”


Twin flames reunite physically to fulfill a spiritual service for the world and increase the vibrational frequency of the planet.  It is the rare souls who have incarnated onto earth to weave in a higher frequency.  These original sparks contract to come together in true spiritual partnership to raise unity consciousness.  This reunion is not just two individuals but a merging back into their divine original soul/infinity spark.  The sacred union of the divine masculine & divine feminine transcends Twin Souls from physical reality and assists each other to transition into the (God-Goddess) soul unification.  This is why so many souls are coming together at this time as we ascend into the next stage of Source Self-realization.


It’s important to just allow all of life, including close relationships, to just be…to flow and evolve. Allow people to be who they are, not what you want them to be especially by trying to control, push/prod, or manipulate relationships. 


If you find yourself lost and confused, that’s because you have lost touch with your own personal truth.  Misalignment occurs when we do not acknowledge who we are.  Do not let anything or anyone dampen your light.  The only constant is that you are you.  You are the center of your own life, your YOUniverse.  Have the courage & the heart to follow your own path, to be who you are, and love being who you are…no matter what.   


Be authentically you.  Show the world who you are, so that anyone looking for someone exactly like you…can find you.  Be glad when others walk beside you, enjoy their company, connect as closely and deeply as you can, but always shine your own light & walk your own path…and allow them to do the same.


May your heart be filled with divine love.  And may divine love flow into the lives of all those we encounter today & every day.



Inner Spaces

by Karen llc

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