Wisdom Circle
We will meet every other Sunday from 9:30-11am where we will delve into specific energy medicine topics and work directly with the unseen world to connect with your own sources of power. It is a profound experience that combines education and hands-on experiential learning. Topics to be explored:
Healing & strengthening your energetic body
Manifesting & dreaming the world into being
Past lives & reincarnation
Ayurveda for your physical body
Chakra clearing & alignment
Tapping into your energy meridians
Emotional Anatomy, the issues are in your tissues
Working with the akashic records, the library of all knowledge
Next session to begin: October 20, 2024
Drop-in Rate..................................................................$30.00
Package of 5 classes.....................................................$127.50 (15% discount)
Package of 10 classes...................................................$225.00 (25% discount)
Tools for Transformation
Did you know that we store experiences in the cells of the body? Major life transitions are difficult. We all need easy-to-access, practical tools to deal with life’s everyday challenges. Tools for Transformation is about freeing energy, strengthening your aura, awakening your luminous body, and bringing a deeper sense of balance, healing and ease into your world.
Using the wisdom of science combined with the sacred spiritual practices of the indigenous, earth-based cultures, you will:
Strengthen your nervous system as well as protect & contain your energy
Expand your energetic being, improving the immune system
Understand how the psyche is imprinted so you can change habitual patterning & release past trauma
Use mindfulness techniques to change the neuron patterning of the brain
Learn about ancestral blueprints that live on in you today & how to release any limiting beliefs and patterns
Are you ready to release stagnant energy?
This experiential 7-week workshop is about creating health and harmony using simple yet powerful tools that activate your self-healing abilities. You will learn tools to help you through divorce, a new job/job loss, moving, newly married, birth of a baby, newly empty nested, retirement, death of a loved one, injury or illness. These classes are experiential and include specific tools you can use in your daily routine plus mindfulness techniques. Karen shares additional techniques that assist in the somatic release of old traumas and discover the subtle art of energy clearing to help restore balance in your own energy field and the energy of your surroundings through these workshops. You will experience ceremonies, rituals of transformation, shamanic journeys, powerful healing techniques to acquire the rainbow body (when all the chakras are clear and vibrate at their natural frequency, you radiate the 7 colors of the rainbow).This is an invitation to discover your fullest potential. Those who have attended have had amazing results! Listen to her podcast to learn more about these life changing workshops. Come with an open mind, leave with an open heart.
7-Week Series..................................................................$250
Reservations required. All classes are in-person as well as live streamed & recorded.